Nursing Home Ministry
Here at Welch Creek we have several families that visit Nursing Homes monthly. We try to bring our church service to our friends and family in Christ. We have been doing this for many years and enjoy it.
Prison Ministry
There are several men in the church that visits prisons. At these prisons, these men have seen many old and young men with different background/reasons of why they are in prison. They have seen many saved at the prisons, and we pray they will continue to do so.
Meal on Wheels Ministry
Our church delivers meals to people weekly who can't get out. Each week different groups take turns making and then delivering the meals. They enjoy the fellowship and the blessing they receive from doing this. Please visit Welch Creek's Calendar for information on what group has this week.
At Welch Creek we have an Adult Choir. Our choir does an excellent job! The choir sings in the Sunday Morning and Evening Worship Services. We hope you will come visit with us and hear them sing.
Our choir director is Brian McMillan. We thank him for the great job that he does.
Youth Church
WCBC has started Youth Church on Wednesday Nights for children and teenagers. In Youth Church, they hear preaching from Tommy Lamb. Our youth is currently studying music taught by our pastor's wife, Sherry Baker.
A nursery is provided for children 3 and under. Ladies in the church take turns keeping the nursery. They do a great job!
Here at Welch Creek, we give monthly support to missionaries around the world. Please visit our 'Missions' page to see just a list of a few of the missionaries we support monthly.
Radio Ministry
For years, our church was on the air with our local radio station, 93.7. Every Sunday morning, you would hear Brother Baker's cheerful hello and enjoy the blessing of music and a short message. Recently, the radio station was purchased by another company and shut down. We are thankful for the stations dedication through the years.