"Great Love"
Post date: Dec 8, 2016 6:11:45 PM
"But God, Who is rich in mercy, for His great love where with He loved us."
~ Ephesians 2:4
Notice the two words, "Great Love," found in our verse. Do you possess great love? Most people do. A husband and wife can have a great love for each other - which they should. Parents have a great love for each other - which they should. Children have a great love for their parents - which they should. They above verse also tells us that this great love aimed toward "us," God loves us! God loves you! This is not cheap love. This love is deep, rewarding, giving, and full of hope. This love reaches down in order to pick up. This love is one that embraces those that others will not touch. This great love of God should live in each Christian. Very few are possessed by this love.
Most people have a great love for money. They don't realize that it is the "root of all evil." See 1 Timothy 6:10. There are many others who have a great love for worldly pleasures. 1 John 2:15-16 warns us not to "love the world." The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life all deal with a person who has a deep love for the world and what it stands for.
Where is your deep love focused? On the things of God? On Spiritual matters? This December, may we be revived so that "Great Love" that portrays our devotion to our Lord Jesus and to those around us who need our help.
December 4th, 2016
From the Pastor,
James H. Baker