One Wrong Decision
Post date: Aug 19, 2015 8:17:59 PM
"But David tarried still at Jerusalem."
~ II Samuel 11:13
Little did David realize that these six words would lead him on a path that would cause him grief for the rest of his life. Instead of him going back to the battle, he tarried at home in Jerusalem. This one wrong decision would end with him committing adultery and later having a man murdered. You will make some wrong decisions in life, and they may not overwhelm you. Who hasn't erred on the wrong side in a decision? Yet, you must be aware that some wrong decisions can do you great harm. One wrong decision could ruin your marriage or divide your home. One wrong decision could cause you to end up in jail or prison. One wrong decision could lead to your financial ruin. One wrong decision could cost someone their life. One wrong decision could cost you your health. One wrong decision could cost you your job. One wrong decision could drain you of a life-time of success.
Be careful in your decision making. Look to the Lord for understanding and discernment. Many people make wrong decisions because of what they want instead of what they need. Be careful because Satan is the great deceiver. Learn to trust in the Lord, and wait with the patience on Him. You don't have to make wrong decisions. The Lord Jesus is the One who will guide you as you learn to lean on Him.
August 2nd, 2015
From the Pastor,
James H. Baker