Righteousness or Reproach?
Post date: Jun 28, 2015 9:51:58 PM
"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.."
~ Proverbs 14:34
Soon the U.S. Supreme Court will be make a ruling on whether marriage is between a man and woman or that marriage can be between two men or two women. If the court rules in favor of the two men and two women proposal, our nation will suffer a great defeat morally. Already, our nation is ruled and run by sin on every level. Liquor, beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages flow in our homes and streets like water. Proverbs 23: 29-32, warn and condemn the use of alcoholic beverages. Over-the-counter drugs and unlawful drugs are consumed like candy in our nation. Pornography, nudity, and sexual sins are now accepted as normal everyday life. Adultery and fornication are now viewed with no shame. Sodomy is now promoted and paraded around as normal life-styles. Even sadder is that most preachers and church members seem to lean toward all these evil ways. Very few of God's people are taking the "righteousness" stand that our above verse says will exalt us as a nation. Couples can now live together, have babies, and never be bothered by the fact that their sin is a reproach to God.
Can it get worse? Yes, it will, but our GREAT God loves lost sinners and He will save them if they will but repent, and call upon the Lord Jesus. Where sin does abound, the grace of God does much more abound. Let's pray and take a stand in these days - a stand for righteousness and not a reproach. God is Watching US!
June 28, 2015
From the Pastor,
Bro. James Baker