"Jesus' Church"
Post date: Sep 6, 2017 8:15:30 PM
"I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
~ Matthew 16:18
The church that Jesus speaks of here is a far cry from the churches of today. When most think of a church, they think of a building with a cross on a steeple and stained-glass windows. In our culture, many have made the church much like a glorified social club or a theater of entertainment. The church is not a building, but rather a body of believers who meet under the authority of their leader: Jesus Christ. This body of believers meet for a three-fold purpose: Exaltation of the Lord, Edification and growth of the believers, and the Evangelization of an unbelieving world. The main focus should be to exalt our great God. Psalm 100:2-4, tells how we can do this, "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise." Since the church is a "called out" people, it must teach and equip its members on how to be spiritually minded and grow in the grace of God.
The third goal of the church is to be evangelists in its outreach. Soul-winning should be the driving force behind every church ministry. We are to reach unbelievers with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. He is the only Saviour; and our goal must be to plant and water the message of grace everywhere. The church should never forget it's purpose. When these three areas are being carried out by a local church, Satan cannot stop it. It will march on with the power of its God in it.
September 3rd, 2017
From Your Friend & Pastor,
James H. Baker, Proverbs 3: 5-6