Back to School Youth Revival
Post date: Jul 14, 2014 1:18:59 PM
Wow, what a week! Monday - Friday (July 21st-25th). This was our first "Back to School Youth Revival". It took the place of Vacation Bible School this year. This revival meeting was geared to seeing lost children saved, dedicating their live to Christ, and encouraging them to continue serving Christ! This meeting will be for all children. Thank you to all those that helped "spread the word" and to those that came! It was a tremendous blessing to hear such great singing by youth from different churches. Every message was a gift from God! The services will be posted online for you to watch! Visit our "Watch Online!" page.
Monday's Report:
Monday night was a wonderful service to open up our Youth Crusade. The church auditorium was full. Our hearts were blessed by the special music from the young people and we especially enjoyed hearing Chad and Jessie Zorn sing. The Zorns had a van load of their youth to come with them from Lyons, Ga.
Our guest preacher was Evangelist Cody Zorn. He preached to the young people and us older ones also, from the book of Ester. The theme of his message was to shine for Jesus in these perilous days. God’s presence was in the entire service. The invitation saw many people at the altar praying for God to use them!
Tuesday's Report:
Tuesday's youth crusade was another wonderful service. We had supper in the church-dining hall at 6pm. Deep fried chicken tenders and French fries were served along with several other side items. Our ladies have furnished all the desserts, which, has just gotten the children all sweetened up.
The worship service was filled with the presence of God. Our theme song has gotten into the hearts of the people. It’s titled “Happy Am I.” We also had special singing by some of the young people from Life Baptist Church. My, Oh, My! What a precious blessing it was to hear them sing. We also had our own young people from here at Welch Creek to sing. These too, had the touch of God on them as they laid out the spiritual carpet for the preaching of God’s Word.
Our guest preacher, Pastor Alfred Willis, preached from the book of Genesis concerning the life of Joseph. As a teenager, God gave Joseph a dream and Brother Willis preached about “God’s Dream Plan for your Life.” It was a powerful message. Many came forward at the invitation to pray that they would follow the dream plan God had for them.
Our whole goal in this youth crusade is to see some young people get saved and for those that are saved, to completely yield to God’s will for their life. Do pray with us for the several young people who have already raised their hands in the service telling us to pray for them concerning their salvation.
Wednesday's Report:
Wednesday night’s service was another wonderful service. We had with us, the all girl’s choir from the Community Baptist church in Lodge, SC. These young ladies blessed our hearts with several songs. We had many of their members visiting in the service, which filled the place up. Three of our young men also sang and we heard a good instrumental special from Brian Lamb. I preached a message concerning the matter of “Communicating.” Once again, we had many at the altar.
Thursday's Report:
Last night’s service was another visit from Heaven. The church auditorium was full. The presence of the Lord was real. Our hearts rejoiced and were uplifted by the singing of the young people from Gethsemane Baptist Church in Lexington, SC. Their pastor, Brother Steve Williamson, was the preacher for the service. What a gifted and powerful preacher he is. His message on the “Power of the Word of God” reassured us of how great the Bible is. Consider this one statement, “The Bible will only be as powerful and helpful as you will allow it to be in your life.” It’s sad that most professing Christians have never read the Bible through and most know very little about the Bible.
Friday's Report:*
Friday night closed out our youth crusade for the week. It was another special service. We were blessed to hear from all our children and young people for the special singing; the Pee Wee Club, The Patch the Pirate Club, the youth choir. It was an extra blessing to hear from a new quartet in our church-Dylan Lamb, Chris Malphrus, Brian Lamb, and Thomas Frank. Mrs. Jessie Zorn also sang a great song that she had written herself.
Brother Jonathan Hickman was our guest preacher. He preached from John Chapter 14, dealing with Jesus being the vine and we being the branches. He challenged us to be fruit bearers for the Lord Jesus. What a joy it was to see many at the altar praying that they would be used by God in bearing the Fruit of the Spirit.
We praise the Lord for what He has done in the Youth Crusade and look to the days ahead as we have experienced a little touch of revival in our church.
-Bro. Baker
(Link to past services will be posted on our Watch Online! page.)
*Friday Night's Service Now Live!
So sorry for the long wait! :)