"Staying Focused"
Post date: Jul 28, 2014 10:52:21 PM
"But this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
1 Samuel 16:7
Staying focused is a difficult thing for many people. It's necessary if anyone desires to be successful. In the classroom, at the office, in the factory or even in a hobby, staying focused is a top priority. In the family and marriage, each member must learn to be focused on the part and role they play. Too often, those people who day-dream and sleep never amount to much success. Pastors and church members must learn this most valuable trait.
Many church families accomplish little because their focus is on the things that carry little value, and lose focus on the matters that mean the most for God. Paul tells us to press on with one prize in mind. That prize is pleasing with Him who has died for us. Ours is not a contest to try to out-do each other, but to compliment each other as we serve our Lord. Learn to stay focused on God's will for your life. His will is not hidden from you. Get started today, forget what's behind you and press on with joy, peace and the power of God! It's your race-- run it with Heaven in view!
October 12, 2014
From the bulletin,
Pastor James Baker