"Not By Appearance"
Post date: Mar 25, 2015 12:24:44 AM
"Judge not according to the appearance,
but judge righteous judgment."
~ John 7:24
The Bible has much to say about judging. We are told to judge ourselves before we examine anyone else. We are told that we shall be judged by the way we judge others. In the verse above, we are told to, "Judge righteous judgment". We are also told not to judge by appearance. In Jesus' day, the religious leaders were the ones who appeared to be right with God and the poor and diseased appeared to be filled with sin. Jesus called the religious leaders a bunch of snakes, and He said that the poor were suited for the kingdom of Heaven.
Though outward appearance does have its place, we should never allow it to place people in a mold of our own. Some people may dress as if they are wealthy, yet be so far in debt that they can hardly make it. Some may dress as if they are poor and yet own more than you think. Just remember this, Jesus loves all people. Every color and every culture means much to Him. He never crossed anyone off His list. So, the next time you see someone that looks a certain way, don't put them in your judgment mold. By the way, they may be doing the same as they look at you.
March 22, 2015
From the Pastor,
James H. Baker